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Dust Bowl Knives

Grandpa's traditional "First buck" folder

Grandpa's traditional "First buck" folder

Regular price $375.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $375.00 USD
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Start a new family tradition:

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I must have been around 10 years old. Grandpa woke me up early one morning. It was still dark and I felt the chill on my face as we quietly made our way up the hill behind his house. 

We set-up in a blind Grandpa fashioned out of some old wooden planks and some brush.
We sat there in silence for what seemed to be an eternity.

Then at the crack of dawn I saw the buck come out of the fog. He was an eight pointer. Grandpa pointed at the gun I had nestled beside me. I picked it up very slowly, making sure not to make a sound and took aim. The eight pointer stood still for a moment, exposing a majestic broad side to us. He could sense us, but could not figure out where we are. I squeezed the trigger.

That was my first buck. I still recall how excited and proud I was. In these parts, taking your first buck is a big deal! A rite of passage.

About a month or so later my birthday came up. Granpa handed me a gift and said "Here is a little something to recall by..." I opened the wrapping and discovered to my amazement a pocket knife.

The handle was fashioned from my buck's antler, and in the back, inlayed, was the casing of the round I had shot my buck with!

Now, that I am a Grandpa myself, I continue Grandpa's tradition with every one of my grand kids.

Dust Bowl Knives - where tradition is made.

Bring us your antler and spent casing, and we will make you a hill-billy folder to remmeber it by.

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